Warren Spahn History: November 24, 2003 - Warren Spahn, American Baseball pitcher, dies at home January 24, 1973 - Warren Spahn is elected to Baseball Hall of Fame September 8, 1963 - Braves Warren Spahn ties Christy Mathewson with 13 20-win seasons August 13, 1963 - Warren Spahn sets left-hander strike out mark at 2,382 April 11, 1963 - Warren Spahn beats Mets 6-1 for his 328th win (most by a lefty) July 26, 1962 - Milwaukee Brave Warren Spahn sets home run record of 31 by a pitcher August 11, 1961 - Warren Spahn records victory #300, beats Cubs 2-1 May 3, 1961 - Warren Spahn pitches a 2 hitter after pitching a no hitter April 28, 1961 - Warren Spahn pitches 2nd no hitter at 41 beats San Francisco Giants, 1-0 September 16, 1960 - Milwaukee Brave Warren Spahn no-hits Philadelphia Phillies, 4-0 September 13, 1958 - Braves Warren Spahn is 1st lefty to win 20 or more games 9 times November 28, 1957 - Warren Spahn of the Braves wins Cy Young Award September 3, 1957 - Warren Spahn sets record for a lefty pitcher with 41st shut-out June 14, 1952 - Boston Brave Warren Spahn strikes out 18 Cubs in 15 innings June 14, 1952 - Braves Warren Spahn ties NL record of Jim Whitney with 18 strikeouts against the Cubs in 15-inning, 3-1 loss April 23, 1921 - Warren Spahn, born in Buffalo, New York, left-handed pitcher, Boston/Milwaukee Braves
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